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1) I have an existing permanent residence and agree to use this location NOT as a primary dwelling, but as a temporary place to stay with full time access, so long as it works for both parties. I understand that I am not a tenant, and I am not liable to the property code of Michigan.

(2) Unless otherwise specified by DTW Crashpad, I will NOT receive mail or packages at this residence. I understand that receiving mail without permission is grounds for termination of rental agreement and loss of deposit.

(3) I understand and agree to the rental rate as stated on my invoice, to be paid month to month, for the exclusive use of a private bed, inclusive of all utilities.

(4) I understand that the first invoice, MUST be paid in full prior to the start of my stay.

(5) If payment is not made by the 1st of the month, door access will be removed for the following month until payment is made and/or room can be subject to reassignment to another flight attendant. You will be asked to vacate the property and will no longer be permitted to reside at this dwelling for the following month, if no payment arrangements have been made. 

(6) I will be respectful of others, and I will adhere to the quiet hours of 9PM-8AM.

(7) I understand that the Crashpad is a resting place between flights, and my belongings can NOT block any floor space other than under-bed storage. Aside from shelves, loose items MUST be contained within an aesthetically pleasing box, container or basket and MUST be labeled with my full name. I understand that unidentified items will be thrown out.  Additionally, I understand that neither management or the Crashpad are responsible for any lost or stolen items.

(8) I understand that this is NOT a hotel and I agree to clean up after myself in common areas (living space, kitchen, dining room, backyard & bathroom). I understand that if I leave an item in a common area and do not retrieve it in a reasonable amount of time, it will discarded.

(9) I will NOT eat on the couch or store food of any kind within the bedrooms. This invites unwanted critters, in which damage becomes very expensive, and I understand that food left out in the open, food wrappers, or eating in the bedroom is strictly prohibited.

(10) I understand that I am expected to assist with trash. I understand that I am responsible for emptying trash receptacles, and that bags must be tied off (NO LOOSE TRASH ITEMS PLEASE) and placed in the designated trash area outside. Trash is picked up on [MONDAY] morning and needs to be placed onto the curb no earlier than 5PM the previous evening.

(11) I understand that NO overnight guests or pets are permitted on the premises of DTW crash pad.

(12) Candles are NOT allowed and there should be no open flames inside the crash pad.

(13) I will not rearrange any of the existing furniture, nor will I change bed assignments, without Manager's permission.

(14) I commit that I will not flush anything down the toilet that is not toilet paper or human waste. Anything else could result in major plumbing issues and stop up all the toilets.

(15) I understand that termination may result of my failure to abide by the listed expectations, and that non-compliance will forfeit any deposit refunds or payments already made.

All belongs will be discarded, if not claimed 30 days after leaving crash pad.


Upon execution of this section I hereby unconditionally release, waive and discharge my right, whether by contract or under operation of law, to file any cause of action(s) or claim(s) which I may have against DTW Crash Pad, and other known affiliates, now or in the future. I hereby assume any and all risk of loss, liability, damage or costs, including bodily injury or property damage, that may incur arising out of or in connection to my acts and/or omissions while on property owned by or affiliated with the DTW Crash Pad. I hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the DTW Crash Pad, and all other known affiliates, for any claim arising out of an injury to me while on affiliated property and from any and all claims, causes of action, obligations, lawsuits, charges, complaints, contracts, controversies, covenants, agreements, promises, damages, costs, expenses, responsibilities, of whatsoever kind, nature or description, whether direct or indirect, in law or in equity, in contract or in tort, or otherwise, whether known or unknown, arising out of or connected with my use of the above mentioned rental space. I fully understand the terms set forth in this form, and I hereby waive my rights freely and voluntarily without any inducement, assurance, or guarantee being made to me to the fullest extent allowed by law. In addition, I also affirm that this information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this contract.


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